RSS to PDF Creation Form


  • If you want to clean up your posts to make them more appropriate for book format, we can import a copy of your feed (or import multiple feeds to combine them) for you. Then you can edit a copy of your posts for the ebook without touching the original posts. Forward your emailed order receipt to and give us the feed(s) to import. Then we will give you access to your editable feed.
  • IMPORTANT: First, type or paste your RSS feed URL in the top of an open browser window and press your enter key. This will show you what your RSS feed looks like (which is not always how your blog or podcast looks).
    • Make sure that your feed has DATES for each item posted. If you don't see dates below each post, your feed will not work.
    • If your posts are set to Read More, and only shows a portion of a post, then you need to change that in your posts, unless you want them to click through to Read More.
    • If your posts are only showing a summary of your post, but it does not say Read More, then change your feed settings to Full Text (instead of summary). In WordPress, Settings->Reading.
    • If your feed is only showing 10 posts, then you can normally go into your settings to change that to a larger number. In WordPress, it is under Settings->Reading.
  • If everything is OK, then enter the URL into the box below.
  • The first URL you save will be the only one you can use with this PASSCODE, so be sure it is correct.

Enter your Feed URL

Options You Can Change While Creating Your PDF:

  • This means that you can keep coming back to this form to try different font types, font sizes, formats, etc.
  • You can also save as many different versions as you like for this Passcode.
  • You can return for 30 days from the day you create it and continue to create different versions.
  • HOWEVER, you cannot change your RSS URL, or your Date Range without purchasing another Passcode.


See Examples

  • We offer 2 different formats for your RSSzine:
    • Magazine Style with Cover Page and Author Info. This includes a
      • Cover Page (like a Magazine or Book Cover) from a 595 x 842 px image that you provide and upload with this form, and
      • an Author's Information Page with a 300 x 300 px image that you provide and upload with this form, and text that you fill out below.
    • Newsletter Style with Logo, Title and Subtitle. This includes a
      • Header at the top of the page with a 300 x 74 px Logo or Image that you provide and upload with this form, and
      • the Publication Name and Subtitle printed to the right of the Logo or Image.
  • Select which type of format you want for your RSSzine.

Magazine (Cover Page/Author Info) - OR - Newsletter (Logo/Title/Subtitle)

See Examples



Publication Title shows up at the bottom of EVERY page.


Subtitle only shows up in Newsletter Style. Only a few words will fit. (see examples)



Author Name only shows up in Magazine Style. (see examples)


Author URL shows up at the bottom of EVERY page, AND with Magazine Style About Author. (see examples)

Author URL (http://...):




  • Font Type: You can change the different font types to give your PDF a different feel.
  • Font Size:
    • Magazine Style PDFs:
      • Using LARGE FONTS (18, 20, 22, 24) will affect how much text you can enter into the Short "About Author" section in Magazine Style. It will overflow into the Additional Information section.
      • If you are using a LARGE FONT in Magazine Style, you should select the 1 Column option, to make sure everything flows correctly. Large fonts don't look very good in a 2 Column format anyway.
    • PDF TO FLASH PURCHASERS: If you are planning to convert this PDF to a Turning Page Magazine, use the largest font possible. This will make it very easy for Turning Page users to read your content without having to zoom in or scroll. We give you unlimited pages for your PDF and Turning Page Magazine, so you don't have to worry about how long the book is.
  • Columns: We offer 2 formats, and you can try them both and see which one looks best to you for your particular book:
    • 1 Column, like a book or magazine
    • 2 Columns, like a newsletter or newspaper
Columns (see examples):
1 2



  • Header Font Size: If you are using Newsletter Style, then you will have your Publication Name and Subtitle showing up at the top of your first page. You may have a lot of words, in which case you will want to reduce the size of the font.
  • Post Title Font Size: This is the individual title for each blog or podcast post. You have 2 choices:
    • <H1> or Large
    • <P> or Regular (same size as the rest of the text in your post
Post Title Font Size:
<H1> (Largest) <P> (Same Font Size as the rest of text)





  • Blogs and Podcasts normally have a date showing when the item was posted to the internet. However, you may not always want to show the date. If you are going for a "book with chapters" feel for your PDF, then don't print the date.
            • When you press this button, it will show your PDF.
            • To change your options, simply press the BACK arrow at the top of your browser
              and you can change anything except the RSS feed, start and end dates, and passcode.
            • To save your PDF to your computer,
              simply press the save button at the top left of your PDF.