RSS to PDF Newspaper

Or select from one of the feeds below...


This is a free software project to let people create printable PDFs from content found on the web. It is a free alternative to HP's Tabbloid service. It is being developed as part of the Five Filters project to promote alternative, non-corporate media.

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PDF library TCPDF (free) PDFLib (not free) iTextSharp (free) PrinceXML (not free)
Free software (FLOSS) Yes (see below) No No No
Output #1 (source feed) Last Hours (text only) Last Hours Last Hours (text only) Last Hours
Output #2 (source feed) CrimethInc. (text only) CrimethInc. CrimethInc. (text only) CrimethInc.
Output #3 (source feed) Ceasefire (text only) Ceasefire Ceasefire (text only) Ceasefire

Source Code and Technologies

Source code available.
The application uses PHP, TCPDF, HTML Tidy, HTML Purifier, SimplePie and SmartyPants.

Installation and System Requirements

This code should run on most hosts running PHP5. I have it running on NearlyFreeSpeech.NET (a great host with a smart pricing model) but I've also tested it on Windows using WampServer. The instructions below will install the code in a folder called 'rss-to-pdf'. The instructions have been tested on a NearlyFreeSpeech account but should work on other hosts which offer shell access and have the Bazaar client installed.

  1. Log in to your host using SSH
  2. Change to the directory where you want RSS to PDF Newspaper installed
  3. Enter bzr branch lp:fivefilters rss-to-pdf
    It should finish by saying something like Branched x revision(s)
  4. Now enter chmod 777 rss-to-pdf/cache/
  5. That's it! Try accessing the rss-to-pdf folder through your web browser, you should see the form asking for a feed URL.

If you'd like to generate PDFs without going through the form first, you can simply pass the feed URL in the query string to makepdf.php. For example:

If you'd like to change the title image, replace images/five_filters.jpg with an image of your own (keeping the same filename).



I'm happy to help activists/anarchists/progressives set this up for their own content. I can either help you set it up on your own server, or create a customised look (e.g. different title image) and host it here. If you fall in this category, get in touch.

If you don't fall in this category, I offer paid support.

Bug reports and questions welcome.


This web application is licensed under the AGPL version 3 (find out why). The bulk of the work, however, is carried out by libraries which are licensed as follows...


I'm a student and I work on this in my spare time. Donations very welcome...


Created by Keyvan Minoukadeh for the Five Filters project.
Email: keyvan (at)